Not just a hobby, it's a way of Life

Posts tagged ‘The Loopy Ewe’

Happiness is . . .

TLE - Box of Fun

Hmmm, that’s a pretty strong claim. There better be some awesome stuff inside.

TLE - Box of Fun goodies

TLE - Yarn for Color Affection

And there was. In the goodie picture, those are temporary tats and Loopy kisses (one woman’s hubby calls them ‘husband bribes’). The next picture shows the yarn I will be using for a Color Affection (Rav link).  This is part of the Camp Loopy 2012 projects.  This will be the second one, with a third coming in late July.  I am allowing myself to buy yarn for camp.  You wouldn’t believe how much difficulty I had in picking out 800 yards of yarn.  In my defense, at least one of the colors had to be a color in your country’s flag, so it wasn’t like I could just buy purple outright.  I’m not that far gone.  But you’ll notice I managed to get purple in there.

At this time next week, the class I’m taking will be done.  Yahoo.